(even if they think they can’t afford it).



"You Have A Very Sick Baby.

He May Not Live The Day."


No one should ever hear those words. But they were just the beginning.

When the specialists told us our son (Ben) would likely never walk, talk, or go to school and require 24-hour care, I couldn't imagine what that meant.

This was my worst nightmare come true.

Almost instantly, life became a blur. Every. Day. 365 days/yr.

We took a lot of pride that we could manage everything on our own, and thought we had things under control.

Even as life got more and more complicated and exhausting, we rejected every suggestion that we should bring in some help or get respite care.

We Had A Million Reasons Why Bringing In Help Would Never Work...

We Didn't Know Where To Start

  • Ben’s care was so complex. Where would we find someone who could learn it all?
  • No one was stepping up to help us find anyone.
  • People weren’t lining up at our front door, fully trained and ready to go.

We Couldn't Afford To Pay Anyone

  • As young parents, things were extremely tight financially.
  • Ben’s world was already unbelievably expensive.
  • There was no room to spend any more – we just had to manage on our own.

There Was No Way We Could Trust A Stranger In Our Home

  • We never knew when the next health emergency would be.
  • How would this stranger know what to do?
  • How would we know they would actually do their job when we weren’t there?

It Wasn't The Right Time - Too Much Going On

  • We had two other children, huge work responsibilities, on top of managing Ben’s care.
  • We hardly had time to sleep.
  • We couldn’t add anything else to our plate.



Those "reasons" were showstoppers. Plain and simple.

So, Jan and I found jobs that allowed us to work opposite shifts and avoid going down the caregiver path.

This strategy worked for a while but we never saw each other. After a few years of this insane routine, we had turned into a couple of zombies.

It wasn’t good for our health.

It wasn’t good for our relationship.

And our kids were certainly NOT getting the best of their Mom and Dad.


How Could We Break The Cycle?


I did wonder, at times, if some “magic” person was out there just waiting to be found.

Someone who could care for Ben the way we did, manage his day-to-day needs, and be committed to making his life great.

If we could find that person, what would our lives look like?

  • We wouldn’t have to live and work separate lives.
  • We could plan an evening out, just the two of us. Imagine!
  • We could get some rest. OMG do we need that!!
  • We would have a backup if something happened to us because, right now, neither of us can ever “call in sick”.
  • And we might learn new things from this “magic” person, new ways to do things, which could help Ben even more.

- - - - - 

We talked about this 100x but did nothing about it even though we kept saying ...
"Ben DESERVES to have the best care and we DESERVE a better quality of life."
Insert the name of your family member in that last sentence. 
"                 DESERVES to have the best care and I DESERVE a better quality of life."

Say It Out Loud!

Isn't it Absolutely True? 


We kept putting off making the decision to bring in help until our makeshift home care setup came crashing down.

To be honest, it was actually the BEST thing that could have happened.

Because once we were forced into making that decision, EVERYTHING changed!

We Found Something That Worked ... And Kept Working!


In the beginning, we were able to find a few part-time caregivers, just by word-of-mouth. A friend of a friend. That sort of thing.

This ad-hoc approach kind of worked but it wasn’t reliable. We needed a better way since this was the MOST IMPORTANT hire we would ever do.

We had lots of experience hiring and managing teams in our work lives so thought we could just use all that knowledge to find EXACTLY who we needed. It wasn't that simple.

For starters, we quickly learned there were a lot of differences between hiring a person for your workplace and someone for your home. Even though we thought we were experts, we made lots of mistakes.

Eventually, we came up with a simple, step-by-step, FORMULA to follow.

It worked for our first (real) caregiver hire. And our second…until Team Ben grew to 7 people!

What’s more exciting is the FORMULA has worked for dozens of other families too, especially those with aging parents who are struggling with serious health issues.



We’ve summarized all the things YOU need to hire the RIGHT caregiver and built an easy-to-follow FORMULA exclusively for you.


This is What You’ll Find In The FORMULA:


  • The proven way to start your search to find only qualified people!
  • The conversations needed to get to know someone, so you can answer the question, “Do I really want to leave my family member with this person?"
  • The easy and effective way to do proper background and reference checks, because sometimes people aren’t always who they say they are.
  • A new found CONFIDENCE to hire the RIGHT person.
  • The COMFORT of having someone to support your family member, no matter what!

What Other Families Are Saying ...

"It's A Beautiful Gift For Caregivers!"

Cindy A. - Mom, Family Caregiver

"I came away from this wonderful program feeling much more confident, with a clear roadmap and toolbox to help me along the way.

It is incredibly clear just how deeply committed Mike and Jan are.”

"I Have The Tools To Find The Right Caregiver"

Kathleen M. - Daughter, Family Caregiver

"Before starting the Soaring Families program, I was unexpectedly thrown into a caregiving role for my parents.

Since joining this community, I now have the tools I need to find the right caregiver.”

"I Feel Much More Confident!"

Tami B. - Mom, Family Caregiver

"I started out the process of hiring a caregiver with some experience but felt pretty overwhelmed, and fragmented.

Following this training, I now have the resources and tools I need.”

Finding The Right Caregiver Was The Single, Biggest Game Changer For Us.


When you follow the FORMULA, here's what YOU can look forward to:

  • Renewed Energy:

    Easily bring your best every day for your family and yourself, and believe that more is possible.
  • More Time For More Things:
    Get to those things you can’t always do now…like sleep.
  • Improved Health:
    Free yourself of the hands-on caregiving tasks. Your body and mind will thank you!
  • Less Rushed, Less Stressed:
    Experience the peace of mind you deserve, knowing your family is well supported.
  • Experience Life More:
    Move beyond medical needs with the freedom to simply run errands or socialize again.

We've Wrapped This FORMULA Into A Brand New Micro-Course Tailored For You.


Here's What's Inside:

Module 1: Stop the Overwhelm

We all face obstacles that hold us back from bringing in a caregiver. Major things like affordability. This module helps you break through those barriers and shift your mindset into one that is confident and in control.

Module 2: Start Your Search

Finding the RIGHT caregiver begins with figuring out where you need the most help. The FORMULA shows how to do just that, step-by-step, so you can find only qualified candidates, no matter what your home situation looks like.

Module 3: Ensure the Right Fit

We lead you through the process to interview, assess and evaluate each of your candidates to make sure they're the RIGHT fit. Applying the FORMULA will ensure you only spend time with those candidates who will meet your needs.

Module 4: Check & Protect Before Hiring

RCF lays out how to verify that your candidates are who they say they are, helping you leave no stone unturned. We guide you through background checks and the professional (and easy) way to conduct reference checks.



We are the hidden universe of family caregivers you didn’t know existed.

Founded by Mike & Jan George in 2015, SoaringFamilies' mission is to make a real difference in the lives of families who are impacted by a disability or serious health condition, so they can experience more balance, energy and freedom.

We are driven to help family caregivers shift from feeling alone, fearful and uncertain to becoming confident, empowered champions of their family’s care needs.

We are the only community focused exclusively on helping YOU navigate the world of home care.




We’re the co-founders of SoaringFamilies.

Navigating the caregiving journey is not just our life’s work.


We’ve been family caregivers for over 3 decades. So we intimately understand the burdens of supporting the primary care of a family member (both for our son and our aging parents).

We know your pain, your fear, the conflict and the isolation you feel.

But we also know it DOESN’T have to be this way. That there is an OTHER side to caregiving.

And it starts with hiring the RIGHT caregiver.

The Right Caregiver Formula Works!

"I Feel So Much Better Equipped To Build My Son's Caregiver Team!"

Myles D. - Dad, Family Caregiver

"My medically fragile son requires 24/7 care. As a working parent, I felt that hiring a caregiving team was his best chance to reach his potential.

Having completed this training, I feel so much better equipped to build and manage his team.”

"It Will Be Worth Every Moment Of Your Time!”

Krista C. - EVP, Inclusion Canada

“Mike and Jan are keen to generously share their learnings to help lighten your load and make your caregiving journey easier.

I encourage you to tap into this knowledge and wisdom.”

"I Gained A Lot Of Insight From This Program!"

Brenda B. - Founder & CEO, Coaching For Caregivers Canada

"Mike and Jan are experts in creating a strong and supportive team to manage care at home.

Even as a seasoned caregiver and consultant, I gained a lot of insight. This program will save you a huge amount of time, headaches, and frustration."




Most Flexible

  • Complete, self-paced micro-course
  • Lifetime access to all modules
  • The only Formula that works for any home-care setting
  • Proven, easy-to-follow method that finds the right people
  • Dynamic & supportive SoaringFamilies community



One Easy Payment

  • Complete, self-paced micro-course
  • Lifetime access to all modules
  • The only Formula that works for any home-care setting
  • Proven, easy-to-follow method that finds the right people
  • Dynamic & supportive SoaringFamilies community

You Could Try Doing This On Your Own.

But At What Cost?

Months Of Trial & Error. Repeated False Starts.


That Was Us When We Started Out.

There’s too much to know to get this right on your own in any reasonable amount of time.

All those roadblocks and mistakes will cost you both time and money. Something none of us can afford to waste.

I don’t have to tell you that hiring the WRONG person can be a disaster.

Avoid all those headaches and get the FORMULA now! It’s ready and waiting for you to get started.

Start Creating More Balance, Energy, & Freedom In Your Life!





In addition to the proven FORMULA, you'll also get these FREE bonuses that will save you TIME, MONEY, and help your stress MELT away.


We want to make this a no-brainer decision for you.

BONUS: A Guide To Caregiver Funding Programmes

This comprehensive guide will give you a huge head start to finding the financial support you need to hire a paid caregiver … no matter where you live. It covers every US state and every Canadian province!

BONUS: The Resume Attribute Matcher

Our Resume Attribute Matcher will let you easily rank your candidates so you can find the best fit quickly and confidently, based on the kind of person you’re looking for.

BONUS: Interview Question Sets

You'll get the actual questions we use to hire our caregivers. These work every time! You’ll know what to ask during the phone interview, the face-to-face interview, and when you invite them into the home to meet your family member.

BONUS: Working With Agencies

Working with agencies can give you a huge advantage. But it’s important to put in place some ground rules when establishing that relationship. This bonus will show you how to do that easily so you can find the right candidate for your situation while developing a great relationship with the agency.

BONUS: The Champion Families Circle

It’s one thing to take some training but it’s another to put into practice. We’ve been there with online courses – listen/watch intently but didn’t always take action.

And no matter how good the trainer is, there’s no replacement for someone by your side to help you along the way.

That’s why we’re including 30 days of FREE online support from me and Jan in our private Soaring Families community we call “Soaring Family Nation."

And NO … it’s NOT another Facebook group.  This is a REAL community platform that we own and manage!

You'll be part of our exclusive Champion Families Circle within the community. Send direct messages, post questions, hold virtual meet-ups with us and other Soaring Families. There's even a free mobile app to make communication even easier.


These bonuses, alone, are worth way more than the price of admission.

Let's Do This!

Money Back Guarantee

We're so confident, we're fully guaranteeing this micro-course.

Go through all the modules. Enjoy the free bonuses. Download everything!

You have a full 30 days to kick the tires.

And if it's not right for you, you'll get every penny back.

We don't want to add to your stress. So there's nothing to lose!



Juggling the pressures of work, home, family and caregiving on your own comes at a high cost.

Health issues. Financial issues. And putting off the little things that keep life fresh and interesting.

These issues don’t all show up at once. But they do creep up on you.

You see, I went for years trying to carry the weight of Ben’s care on my own but didn't notice that my body was keeping score.

And I was losing, big time! Until one day, my doctor told me I had a cancer.

Everything changed from that point on. Every ounce of energy I had used to make his life better was actually killing me. It was such a contradiction. And it seemed so unfair.

It was a tough way to learn that I couldn't do everything, forever.



Invest in a more balanced life for you.
Invest in a better journey for your family.
Invest in a better home-care experience.




Most Flexible

  • Complete, self-paced micro-course
  • Lifetime access to all modules
  • The only Formula that works for any home-care setting
  • Proven, easy-to-follow method that finds the right people
  • Dynamic & supportive SoaringFamilies community



One Easy Payment

  • Complete, self-paced micro-course
  • Lifetime access to all modules
  • The only Formula that works for any home-care setting
  • Proven, easy-to-follow method that finds the right people
  • Dynamic & supportive SoaringFamilies community

➳ When you sign up you will have INSTANT access to the micro-course and ALL the bonuses.

➳  Plus you’ll become part of an exclusive community of family caregivers that support each other on this journey.

All you need to do is DECIDE to make today different.

If you're still not sure, know that we're available to support and guide you through it.

That's our commitment!