

A CONFIDENTIAL, 1-on-1 eMail Coaching Program
For Family Caregivers.


UNBURDEN Your Mind. 
EASE Your Stress.
RESTORE Your Energy.



UNBURDEN My Mind? Really?

Caring for a family member, like your aging parent, can often feel like a no-win situation.

But talking about those frustrations, those worries and fears, asking questions, and just getting things "off your chest" can truly lighten your load.

Maybe you've tried that in a private online community or Facebook group BUT found your message gets lost in the chatter.

And because of that, you don't feel heard or get the validation you're looking for, even if you're with like-minded people. 

With CalmEmail+, our private 1-on-1 email coaching program, you can lay things out more completely to get your message heard. And release all that pent up pain.

EASE My Stress? Really?

Once you get things "out there", the Universe hears and knows you and will help you move forward.

Maybe you believe that. Maybe you don't.

What we know and believe is the simple act of sharing your fears, your doubts and worries will help to melt the stress away. 

And having a direct, confidential email channel through CalmMail+, you can find the calm you're looking for.

RESTORE My Energy? Really?

We know the exhaustion that comes with supporting your family member. And how there's nothing left at the end of the day.

What we also know is that having someone alongside to work through problems, or issues, or seemingly impossible scenarios helps a lot.

Once that happens, you can start to talk about best-case scenarios, not just worst-case ones. And see beyond the barriers holding you back.

CalmMail+ can be that support. And give you a much-needed "pep-in-your-step", restoring the energy you once had.

That energy has always been available to you, by the way. The difference now is we'll help you unlock it!

How Does CalmMail+ Work?


It's easy.
You email. We listen. We answer.

CalmMail+ gives you access to our private email address and is available anytime, on your schedule. 

We keep the conversation going as long as you need.

Maybe you're thinking about engaging a home care agency but don't know where to start.

Or maybe you have a paid caregiver and things aren't working out.

Whatever the situation, we can solve problems and brainstorm ideas together using CalmMail+ .

This is all 1-on-1 with us (Mike & Jan). There is no middle person screening emails. And no AI ChatBot.

The kicker, though, is that YOU need to take action. 

We can help you "set the table", so to speak, but YOU are ultimately responsible for your SUCCESS.

Sound good?


"It will be worth every moment of your time."

Mike and Jan are keen to generously share their learnings to help lighten your load and make your caregiving journey easier.

Krista C. - EVP, Inclusion Canada

"Soaring Families is steeped in knowledge of the caregiving journey."

Mike provides a friendly and welcoming environment that facilitates an ease of sharing.

Todd K. - CEO, My Care Friends, & Family Caregiver

Here's the Beauty and the Simplicity of



There is no defined schedule when you can email. Sometimes you'll have lots of questions that you'll need to get out there. And sometimes, you'll go for days without emailing. CalmMail+ is adaptable to YOUR schedule.


When something crosses your mind, you can fire off an email. You don't have to wait until a scheduled call. And, time zones don't matter. CalmMail+ is always available to you. 


CalmMail+ is just YOU and us. Once we get to know your home care situation, we'll work together to find the solutions you're looking for. At the very least, we'll get you moving in the right direction.


The long and short of it is that we've been family caregivers since the early 90s for both our son and our aging parents. 

AND we're still in the game. Still living the highs and lows of caregiving.

So, we know your pain inside and out.

We know the fear. The isolation. The stress. The overwhelm. The darkness.

We eventually learned that caregiving is NOT a solo act - no one can do this on their own - which drove us to create SoaringFamilies.

We've also been coaching and leading people for over 2 decades, in both our work teams and home care teams.

That unique combination enables us to serve and support families like yours in ways NO ONE else can.

CalmMail+ is your direct, 1-on-1 channel to us, wherever you are in your caregiving journey.

"I found it to be an extremely valuable use of my time."

Mike creates a safe space to share and ask questions, so you feel well supported.

Zack D. - Co-Author, "Working Caregivers - The Invisible Employees", & Family Caregiver 

"I gained a lot of insight being part of Soaring Families."

Mike and Jan are experts in creating a strong and supportive team to manage care at home. 

Brenda B. - Founder & CEO, Coaching for Caregivers Canada

Have Questions About

CalmMail+ ?




1-on-1 eMail Coaching
For Your Caregiving Journey.



Per month

  • Private & confidential eMail access
  • Personalized problem solving for your home care situation 
  • Available to you whenever you need it
  • Adaptable to your schedule
  • FREE 7-day trial
**The Fine Print. You understand and agree that any and all correspondence from Mike and Jan are strictly their opinion as it relates to caregiving and is solely based on their 3 decades of lived experience as family caregivers. It is not a substitute for any medical, psychological, financial or legal expertise. Please see our Terms for more information.